Manchester Graduate Internship Programme: Jobs for our grads

If you’re new to the graduate blog, you may not have heard about the Manchester Graduate Internship Programme.

We introduced the scheme last year, which aims to provide short term, PAID positions for graduates in organisations across Greater Manchester.  Perfect for those of you wanting to stay in Manchester and looking to gain experience and earn money whilst you decide on your long term plans.

All internships we advertise are between 4 – 12 months.  There are opportunities across all sectors and in a variety of roles.

In addition, any graduate apppointed via MGIP will gain access to an exclusive training programme managed by your Careers Service – enabling you to develop your skills and  interact with other fellow graduates on a regular basis.

New internships are appearing on the website daily, so if you can’t see anything that interests you at the moment, do keep checking.

Remember these are exlusively for University of Manchester graduates (UK and EU nationals only) and the pool of applicants is therefore smaller and competition less fierce than for other roles.

To view current internships, visit the website

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