Help shape the future of the blog

Here at Careers HQ we are thinking of making some changes to our blogs and I wanted to see what you graduates thought.

Currently we have a number of different blogs – Undergraduate, Graduate (obviously!), Postgraduate, International, Medics and even Media but we are now  thinking of using a new template to merge all into one magazine style blog! We will still have the categories for undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate etc. so you as readers will still get the same tailored advice, infomation and news but you will also be able to access a range of other posts which might be useful or of interest.

We all think it’s a good idea, but what about you?

I also want to take this opportunity to find out whether readers of this blog are happy with it’s content.  Do you think what we blog about is relevent to you? Would you like to see more or less of something? Are there any issues you would like us to cover?

Please post your comments below, we are happy to take your opinions on board.